Merry Christmas to all (:
This morning, In the car while i was looking for a place to do my nails. My dad and i had a little conversation and it went like this
Dad: I think i shall send you for some grooming course to be more..
Me: - cuts in - grooming ?! Kasper(my dog) goes for grooming..
Dad: to be more uhm.. westernized ? you look ahlian
Me: I do ? Then how westernized do you want me to be?
gold hair , blue lenses ? cos i was a lil irritated.
Dad: total silence. hahahaha .
I press play and blast Marilyn Manson's sweet dreams into my eardrums. Its just a matter of how you carry yourself. Thats it and thats all. Anyway i got my nails done at Nailpalace.
My Christmas tree
Just look at the amount of presents below my Christmas tree. Hahahaha. I wonder how many belong to me (:
We have cheese Macaroni with bacon bits and Caesar salad here. Prepared by my Auntie Ve. Its damn delicious. I bet I'll be craving it soon.
This is of cos Turkey . Only the bones left cos it is so god damn delicious . Below is Beef !! My favourite too.

And this is the Gingerbread house with black and orange sugar icing that Kimberley & Maxine made. Its edible & It tastes nice. i tried it. hohoho.
My lovely presents. Thanks everyone. I feel loved. hahahaha (:
This morning, In the car while i was looking for a place to do my nails. My dad and i had a little conversation and it went like this
Dad: I think i shall send you for some grooming course to be more..
Me: - cuts in - grooming ?! Kasper(my dog) goes for grooming..
Dad: to be more uhm.. westernized ? you look ahlian
Me: I do ? Then how westernized do you want me to be?
gold hair , blue lenses ? cos i was a lil irritated.
Dad: total silence. hahahaha .
I press play and blast Marilyn Manson's sweet dreams into my eardrums. Its just a matter of how you carry yourself. Thats it and thats all. Anyway i got my nails done at Nailpalace.
My Christmas tree

Its Wii baby (: when i have the time i'll upload more pictures of the set and games. Its wii yo.
Nikki , Ryan and Maxine playing Tennis till they sweat . Alethea and i were just watching and of cos snapping away. Btw my dad is really against blogging. He finds it low class and degrading ?! shall elaborate next time. Really tired . Merry x'mas to yall again. x , Jaslin .
Oh ya my cupboard is in a real mess after venting my anger the other day. So its really hard for me to find my clothes. Anyone wanna come and help me fold all my clothes? i'll pay u twenty bucks. Anyone interested. hahaha . Its in a fucking mess. My god .
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