Woke up at about 7 in the evening , 'twas drizzling. Nobody home again. Some bee tai mak and soup in the kitchen. Heated it up . Something just to fill my stomach. Watched Love Blossom II on channel 8. Do you guys like the show ? i do (: Took a shower then called Comfort co. for a taxi . The cab driver called me. I was thinking to myself how did he reach so fast but turned out that he didnt know the way. zzz .Picked Lianlian and Daryl up from Bigbird then off to Cathay Cineplex to watch a movie ,Ip man. You ppl need to watch this man , its really good. Not once did anyone screw up .Im not the kind to simply just sit down and watch a movie just because its showing in the cinemas. I'm very particular about movies so when i tell u its good. Its good. Fast paced , action packed .
Outside Cathay Cineplex .
Ip man pronounced as Yip Mun not i.p man
Ip Man's wife

The house they lived in before the war
The wife and their son Ip chun . Damn cute.

Outside Cathay Cineplex .

Lynn hung , His wifey in the movie

Alrighty , some facts i betcha didnt know. Ip Man pronounced as Yip Mun is a true story and he was shifu of legendary Kungfu superstar Bruce Lee.
December 1972 , he passed away at age 79 . Today, His son Ip chun 84yrs of age is one of the most successful teachers in hongkong.

December 1972 , he passed away at age 79 . Today, His son Ip chun 84yrs of age is one of the most successful teachers in hongkong.

After the movie , Zell & co. came to pick us up from Cathay. We were supposed to go to some pub in Eastcoast but changed plans cos of the stupid rain. So we went to Changi airport to slack and eat. These four guys Ken , Sherman , Leonard and Zell. They were crapping around , telling stories and making me laugh. Yea i just sat there listening and laughing. hahaha. They are nice people man (: i guess so. Shortly after smoking. Ken sent me home. Was funny cos in the car i kept reminding him not to speed when he was already going quite slow. Zell overtook him. I pointed to a sign that read " speeding kills " and he was like " fuck man , I'm not drunk . Look at Zell , he's going faster than me " and i was like " drive safely kay? im in the passenger seat , the one sitting behind the driver is always safest " hahaha was just teasing him cos of the accident we nearly had the other day. Lol . Anyway reached home at abt 4am . No plans for Christmas. No mood at all . It just doesnt feel like Christmas. There will be a party at my home later on in the afternoon. We all dress up, congregate,use this festivity as a facade to catch up with people we love and exchange presents beside the Christmas tree. Its the same every year so i guess i'll just hang ard. At least i have a family that celebrates Christmas. It cant be that bad after all .
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