February days, spent at tpy with the usual, from home to home , slacking at void-decks ( i never thought i'd be a void decker again.LOL) Went wherever the rest went. Mostly Cherry and Sabai. Funerals , birthday celebrations and to learn about God stuff. Just went to listen to the teachings anyway. No harm learning more even thou im Rc. Was so busy that i didnt really have the time to go home.
Sometimes only going home to shower,change,pack more clothes or take a short nap before going down again. Couldnt afford to cab to and fro everyday! im not that rich. haha. Was fun sticking together everyday but was really tiring too.Oh ya kelly and beans prolly one of the best combinations currently. For me that is (:
Get's me up and going and saves the day!
Alright, here's all the photos of us at Cherry on all the different days.
Gerline , myself , the friend , kaikai and bell (:

Void-deckers. Hahaha i dont remember sitting like that. so ugly , so unrefined.

One of those days , slacking around tpy and kim keat. Guess who're the two people in pink ? its ahwe and Lianlian walking to SevenEleven.

Sometimes only going home to shower,change,pack more clothes or take a short nap before going down again. Couldnt afford to cab to and fro everyday! im not that rich. haha. Was fun sticking together everyday but was really tiring too.Oh ya kelly and beans prolly one of the best combinations currently. For me that is (:
Get's me up and going and saves the day!
Alright, here's all the photos of us at Cherry on all the different days.
Gerline , myself , the friend , kaikai and bell (:

Resting at Andrew's home.
Ahwe,Gerline and me at Mustafa playin around(: Dont my face look weird here?

Thats all of us inside the lorry. Three people up on the back row and two in the front row. We're travelling round and round. 

And you know what , there are still people who own Motor bicycles. The kim keat boys. Makes travelling around so much more easier. Used to have alot of these bicycles around but was banned later on i think. Havent seen anyone riding that sort of thing over here in the East in recent years. What a waste. Anyway ahwe was kind enough to bring me round and round tpy , then we went over to Andrew's hse to look for Lianlian while the rest went to Cherry. Four of us in the room, then ard 3am when i drifted into consciousness the room already had 9people. So packed. Hahaha. Gerline , ahboy, ahbee,Marcus and doyle came up.
In the morning Lianlian and i shared a cab back.

Ahwe's home.

One of the days Gerline and i were soo tired we fell asleep on the slide. She's the one on top and me at the bottom. Haha. Got bitten by mosquitoes all over. Dammit .

I guessed i enjoyed and played too much. i've gotten myself so sick, to the extent of losing myself. I lost myself. "what you see aint what you get, Its in your mind, Its in your head. Paranoia" a diesease of the mind that can control you- Rihanna. I couldnt even make it for open house, orientation and first day of school. First few days Dad was home, He told me to rest. I went over to Sis's room to sleep. My eyes hurt so badly i couldnt see or open them big. I just kept sleeping and sleeping.
Sis bought butter croissant buns for me. I felt so weak sleeping so much and eating so little. Kim gave me Optrex. I had to wash my eyes with it for abt 4days before it got better. Was really painful. I was too weak to get food or water so i just rested but ended up having stomach pains, gastric i think. Nobody really took care of me, maybe cos i kept sleeping.
Dad had to leave for London but Mum flew back from Thailand. She made lots of tea for me but she couldnt possibly look after me 24/7 as she's gt her own stuff to do and my brother to look after so she put me at Aunt's hse where there's someone to look after me all the time. I slept and slept ; ate and ate. Had steamboat thrice and lots of other food. Thanks for the love and care (:
After 5days was feeling and looking better. We all thought i was better.
So decided to step out of the house and go for Sunday Mass. I was standing for less than 10mins and guess what. I blacked out. I bloody blacked out in Church. So embarrassing! Steph accompanied me out, my knees felt so weak, i held on to her so tightly cos i really didnt wanna fall to the ground. I kept stepping on people's feet and walking into them on the way out cos there's a patch of grey clouding over my eyes,i cant see! So embarrassing can. Squatted for awhile then rushed to the toilet to shit everything out. Felt terrible,wonder wat the hell is wrong.
I saw my brother then my mum. was kinda shock didnt expect to see them, i rushed over but mum was in a bad mood. Anyway i still went home to sleep at night. I need time to find myself. Truth is im so afraid of going mad. I've studied and watched how people lose themselves. It doesnt just happen overnight. Its scary. I dont wanna just snap without even knowing it. The series of events just lets the world watch me fall, i let everyone see what i never would have showed,behaved or acted. i fcuking dont understand why i did what i did. Retarded, pathetic. See me at my weakest. Well word on the street is that blablabla and rumour has it that blablabla. I've heard it all, i dont deny, i wont pretend or defend. Laff at me. I couldnt care less i only care about me. The world know nothing. Im on the road to recovery, but i'll still leave Spore cos i've just gotta learn to quit. Will be back in april (:
upcoming plans: My sis and i miss London. The food, the people , the slangs and accents and of cos LWT. We told Mum about it and she says we can go back there in July. Damn happy man. We used to live with our aunt in an apartment opposite Buckingham palace. I forgot the street name it starts with C. It didnt really work out cos she was way too strict with my sis and i and the cost of living there is wooo high but we never should have come back here anyway. Its prolly one of the best places to live in. When we left she was still working as a lawyer but Mum said she'd been promoted to Judge which is way prestigious cos she's asian. I dont know how to face her, i've nothing to speakof. Whereas my sis can further her studies there or here. win-win situation. ohwells till then (: I'll end it here with a picture.
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