Down to parklane again, The usual. Elva,Eunice,Lianlian. Sometimes i really dont know what im doing. Not sure why also. Haha. Making a mess out of everything cos i cant really be bothered so much these days , just do whatever that makes me happy, go with the flow. Yilong and i are sort of together already, He bought prawns for me (: I only got to eat one cos i went up to 7th floor, Legend to look for charlotte. Shldnt have gone into her room. Saw so many friends i nearly died. Saw xiaokelvin, shunhao and valen my ex boss, from club viva. Some girls' home girls were working there.Bet they dont recognize me. Charlotte and i were like running ard. She came to 4th floor for awhile then went back up. My dear sisters Lianlian and Elva ate my prawns. Haha but it doesnt matter (:

My girls left for Oasis as usual. I stayed back to accompany yilong then we went to Orchard k with all the staff. Was kinda tipsy. Even thou he's just beside me , i msged him cos i've got a bad sore throat and no voice. We're like msging nonsense all the way. Hahaha. Later i msged baby, told him i've got a bf. Lets be friends, He said okay. He said im too "hong" already and he dont want any headache and he said he already know i've got a bf and he asked me to treasure yilong. What he mean by he already know ? its like not all along i was with yilong, we just started what. We continued msging and msging. About others badmouthing me and stuff, he dont want ppl saying his gf is a flirt, lazy to elaborate. Just wanna tell those bigmouths and kaypos whoever. You dont know me and i dont owe you so just shut the fcuk up. Not far from the truth but they make it sound so bad. Ohmy.
Yilong accompanied me to Oasis to look for the rest. Elva and i went to Sabai for awhile to listen to the live band. We're walking ard then suddenly Elva said " Eh jason lehs." i was shocked la but we did go over to their table. I cant really rmb but i did hug him, of cos i miss him, to me its like he's still my baby. We broke up only for like less then a few hrs. Cant blame me. We went back to Oasis. Jason and the friend came along. Yilong was sitting at the other end so i think he cant see us, sometimes i dont know wtf im doing. screwing things up. I didnt think jason was that serious abt this relationship. He said if he didnt care what for he send me msgs everyday. But its like when we're apart, the feeling is not so strong but when he's right infront of me. I dont know -.- Later he left. Yilong wanted to go off too, we cabbed to geylang M5 cos i wanted to get some stuff.
Bought Bra,panties a spaghetti top and shorts so i could change then cabbed to hotel81 Selegie to spend the night.
Jason msged me saying " fuck La, whose hand you holding?" and if i wanna fcuk ard go ahead , dont tell him i love him. And "Nexttime i hong your sister see how you feel." and many other stuff. Am i confusing everyone? He's confusing me. Later he did call to scold and stuff but i cant rmb anything cos im already kinda high. But i msged him to tell him we'll talk about it tomorrow cos i couldntt think straight. Seriously dont know what the fcuk is going on. Can one person love two people ? Anyway slept all the way through with yl hugging me through the night. Feel happy when im with him. After all jason and i started off as part-time bf/gf, but i did love him. So how would i know if the relationship was a serious one or whatever. Woke up at 3pm. Skipped school. Yilong went to work.
Im back home, nt sure where to go later. Maybe movie , seesha then Sandbourg.
zhengyong's stars , i LIKE ! Outside Oasis

My girls left for Oasis as usual. I stayed back to accompany yilong then we went to Orchard k with all the staff. Was kinda tipsy. Even thou he's just beside me , i msged him cos i've got a bad sore throat and no voice. We're like msging nonsense all the way. Hahaha. Later i msged baby, told him i've got a bf. Lets be friends, He said okay. He said im too "hong" already and he dont want any headache and he said he already know i've got a bf and he asked me to treasure yilong. What he mean by he already know ? its like not all along i was with yilong, we just started what. We continued msging and msging. About others badmouthing me and stuff, he dont want ppl saying his gf is a flirt, lazy to elaborate. Just wanna tell those bigmouths and kaypos whoever. You dont know me and i dont owe you so just shut the fcuk up. Not far from the truth but they make it sound so bad. Ohmy.
Yilong accompanied me to Oasis to look for the rest. Elva and i went to Sabai for awhile to listen to the live band. We're walking ard then suddenly Elva said " Eh jason lehs." i was shocked la but we did go over to their table. I cant really rmb but i did hug him, of cos i miss him, to me its like he's still my baby. We broke up only for like less then a few hrs. Cant blame me. We went back to Oasis. Jason and the friend came along. Yilong was sitting at the other end so i think he cant see us, sometimes i dont know wtf im doing. screwing things up. I didnt think jason was that serious abt this relationship. He said if he didnt care what for he send me msgs everyday. But its like when we're apart, the feeling is not so strong but when he's right infront of me. I dont know -.- Later he left. Yilong wanted to go off too, we cabbed to geylang M5 cos i wanted to get some stuff.
Bought Bra,panties a spaghetti top and shorts so i could change then cabbed to hotel81 Selegie to spend the night.
Jason msged me saying " fuck La, whose hand you holding?" and if i wanna fcuk ard go ahead , dont tell him i love him. And "Nexttime i hong your sister see how you feel." and many other stuff. Am i confusing everyone? He's confusing me. Later he did call to scold and stuff but i cant rmb anything cos im already kinda high. But i msged him to tell him we'll talk about it tomorrow cos i couldntt think straight. Seriously dont know what the fcuk is going on. Can one person love two people ? Anyway slept all the way through with yl hugging me through the night. Feel happy when im with him. After all jason and i started off as part-time bf/gf, but i did love him. So how would i know if the relationship was a serious one or whatever. Woke up at 3pm. Skipped school. Yilong went to work.
Im back home, nt sure where to go later. Maybe movie , seesha then Sandbourg.
zhengyong's stars , i LIKE ! Outside Oasis

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