07th august
That day i went to cityplaza to do my hair. I wanted to thin my hair and get hair extensions. I added 140strands to have longer hair. I dont know how the lady layered my hair but the sides are so short. ABOVE my ear. She's so damn stupid. I've got shoulder length hair and now she makes it seem as though i've got really short hair and need to put extensions. Never seen anyone more dumb than her. Plain stupid. And 140strands supposed to be quite thick but its very thin. Like some cancer patient and she charged me $230. Really ugly. Then i went to Bugis to add on another 60extensions. And today me and Eunice went to another hair extension shop in cityplaza to add on more extensions. Imagine how much i spent on my hair ?! $300plus and more than half of my head has extensions. Thanks to that fucking bitch when i only wanted to extend the lower part. Anyway i met another dumb fool , she braided the extension so high up that when i stroke the back of my head i can feel the bead. What if others touch my head they might think i've got "kutu" or some disgusting growth on my scalp. Shit man. Wonder whats wrong with these people. Just totally piss me off.

Later we cabbed to work, So damn busy. After wrk Elva, Eunice and i cabbed to Oasis to meet some of my hostel friends cos i've not seen them in quite awhile.
Met up with yuting, Baby xinyi and Serene and some of their friends. I also happened to know some of their friends. Spore's too small & we're all linked in one way another. We took grp photos butdidnt turn out nice , too dark. Jamie yuting my hostel friend.

Its me and weisheng again. He step only la, HAHA. more than 5yrs of sistership.

Sotong dont wanna take photos cos he's botak now. HAHA. This was taken uhm dont know when. While working at Oasis. My goodfriends =D always so full of shit. They're really nice people lahs (=

Sotong Botak =x Hope he dont see this. LOL .

Over at Sabai. The guy on the left is new. He'll be replacing Jade in time to come.Oh well, what it meant to me will eventually be a memory.

08th We waited for a cab until the sky turned bright. Zzz.
Geylang Lor18 with Sotong,Weisheng,yuting,serene,Eunice and so called "father" tuataolei to have chicken rice. My favourite stall in Singapore man.

Eunice and i left first, cabbed to Tampines to meet ahboy to get my stuff then to Dorset rd, Xh's home. Later Dominic came up. I wanted to go to outerspace but i dont know how it happened, my soul went flying around and i couldnt get back into my body for a really long time. I was fuckin scared. Luckily Eunice was there to look after me. Thanks sis. They tried many ways to make me feel my body. Drinking warm water and using the massager. HAHA. Never again in my life man, so scary. Eleven hours later, xh fell asleep so we cabbed to Eunice's home. Supposed to shower then go to work but i havent slept and was feelin fcukin tired so i went home. There's totally nobody at home. After i showered i felt more awake , so i used the comp. Didnt wanna be alone cos i kept hearing and seeing things and although i know they arent real, its still very disturbing. Lex signed in on Msn and asked if i wanted to meetup. Left my home at 6am and cabbed to Gallery hotel, nearby dbl o. Called Eunice and Elva and asked them to come too.
09th- when Lex opened the hotel room door, i got a big shock. So many people squeezed into a room, Ard 10ppl ? Chinese,Malay,indian and a thai guy. Im like the only girl. The hotel room is really nice and cosy. Its actually something like two rooms seperated by a short passageway. The people behind were dancing with lightsticks and it was all really nice la. Its like going back to the time where there was still Sparks. In like less than 5mins almost everyone became my friend. Maybe because i kept walking around or giving comments ? i really cant remember. They are the type of what people call "angmopai" I just wanted Eunice to come fast. Later she did (: They're all nice people, joking around. I remember one guy's tattoo was like really nice and one guy's nose was really sharp. Haha. The thai guy kept talking rubbish, the malay guy taught me many new things. Learning all the wrong stuff. LOL. Another guy jerry said he wants to wait for the part of a song before he starts shuffling but i never saw it and the indian guy lost his watch. The rest i forgot, think they either sat in a corner or danced or rested ? Spent $100 there. Eunice also. Later i decided to call Lianlian to find out where she is , She's at Brightstar hotel with Abk and Xiangho.
-thou shall not sin-

At around, hmmm i think afternoon , we left gallery hotel for Brightstar hotel. At one part i did quarrel with Xiangho, i put a fifty dollar note on the table and said i dont wanna owe him anything but he tore it up and kpkb cos he said that i threw it on the floor and i'm showing him my attitude. He kept on shouting non stop, i left the room, while waiting for the lift, i could still hear him going on and on. LOL. Went to walk ard geylang , charged my phone, bought a top up card before returning. They took turns to leave to do stuff before coming back.
At night Eunice went home. Elva and Sandy called to ask to meetup at Cine for movie and later go club at Neverland. I really wanted to go but Lianlian and i just continued lazing at the hotel or start laughing non-stop. Anyway Neverland is a new disco at Orchard plaza. Formerly sparks, 97,Babyface and now neverland. Cant stop laughing, sounds so weird, like peterpan and tinkerbell and their neverland. Heard its really nice there, i wanna go! Anyway later xiangho and friend came back. We're fine already cos we did talk and we went down to buy food up. Lianlian and i cant stop laughing man , laughed at every damn thing or maybe Xh's actions are really too funny. Maybe we laughed too much, later he got angry and quarelled with Lianlian. Everyone became so quiet , with black expressions. Felt so awkward i wanted to go home but Xh and friend ended up leaving. You could say I paid another $80 to stop all their quarrels or whatever cos i felt that Xh was angry with me too but he says no and out of nowhere says abk owes him $100 and abk says he has no money. Everyone has gone bonkers, including me. Just to make everybody happy i paid thirty for the hotel extra charge for the friend as they claimed and passed abk hundred but later i took back fifty. Means total $80 excluding the fifty dollar note he tore up in the afternoon, i said can paste it back with scotchtape, he said he tore it up into four pieces. Total of $130 just thrown down the drain okay. Shit man.
Abk,Lianlian and i remained at the hotel till 12afternoon 10th before checking out then we cabbed to Lianlian's home to slack then i cabbed home in the evening. I was too tired to even think of working i fell asleep at 8pm. Less than 5mins , Xiangho called to ask about the money, he says Abk didnt transfer, I also dont know anything , its none of my business and i dont intend to take the money back. I think i was also not in the right state of mind as to be so kaypo and pay when i've to return my dad fifty too. Now i cant even return it to him. I really hate to borrow from my dad, swear to return it by night , disappear for three days, come home and still have nothing to return him. Its like fuckin irresponsible. I just wanna earn more right now =D Feels so good to be back home, i suddenly missed sleeping. HAHA. slept all the way till 8am 11th aug. I've got no voice again, asked mum to help me order Mac. Fillet o fish. My favourite. Hmmms there's something not quite right with my body , i really need to see a doctor soon. I doubt i'll be going to work tonight. How to work with no voice? totally no voice. Really cant talk at all not even if i try. Didnt work for the past three days. Im always so lazy and inconsistent or not feeling well. Shit man. Hope to earn more money & feel well all before school starts (:
That day i went to cityplaza to do my hair. I wanted to thin my hair and get hair extensions. I added 140strands to have longer hair. I dont know how the lady layered my hair but the sides are so short. ABOVE my ear. She's so damn stupid. I've got shoulder length hair and now she makes it seem as though i've got really short hair and need to put extensions. Never seen anyone more dumb than her. Plain stupid. And 140strands supposed to be quite thick but its very thin. Like some cancer patient and she charged me $230. Really ugly. Then i went to Bugis to add on another 60extensions. And today me and Eunice went to another hair extension shop in cityplaza to add on more extensions. Imagine how much i spent on my hair ?! $300plus and more than half of my head has extensions. Thanks to that fucking bitch when i only wanted to extend the lower part. Anyway i met another dumb fool , she braided the extension so high up that when i stroke the back of my head i can feel the bead. What if others touch my head they might think i've got "kutu" or some disgusting growth on my scalp. Shit man. Wonder whats wrong with these people. Just totally piss me off.

Later we cabbed to work, So damn busy. After wrk Elva, Eunice and i cabbed to Oasis to meet some of my hostel friends cos i've not seen them in quite awhile.
Met up with yuting, Baby xinyi and Serene and some of their friends. I also happened to know some of their friends. Spore's too small & we're all linked in one way another. We took grp photos butdidnt turn out nice , too dark. Jamie yuting my hostel friend.

Its me and weisheng again. He step only la, HAHA. more than 5yrs of sistership.

Sotong dont wanna take photos cos he's botak now. HAHA. This was taken uhm dont know when. While working at Oasis. My goodfriends =D always so full of shit. They're really nice people lahs (=

Sotong Botak =x Hope he dont see this. LOL .

Over at Sabai. The guy on the left is new. He'll be replacing Jade in time to come.Oh well, what it meant to me will eventually be a memory.

08th We waited for a cab until the sky turned bright. Zzz.
Geylang Lor18 with Sotong,Weisheng,yuting,serene,Eunice and so called "father" tuataolei to have chicken rice. My favourite stall in Singapore man.

Eunice and i left first, cabbed to Tampines to meet ahboy to get my stuff then to Dorset rd, Xh's home. Later Dominic came up. I wanted to go to outerspace but i dont know how it happened, my soul went flying around and i couldnt get back into my body for a really long time. I was fuckin scared. Luckily Eunice was there to look after me. Thanks sis. They tried many ways to make me feel my body. Drinking warm water and using the massager. HAHA. Never again in my life man, so scary. Eleven hours later, xh fell asleep so we cabbed to Eunice's home. Supposed to shower then go to work but i havent slept and was feelin fcukin tired so i went home. There's totally nobody at home. After i showered i felt more awake , so i used the comp. Didnt wanna be alone cos i kept hearing and seeing things and although i know they arent real, its still very disturbing. Lex signed in on Msn and asked if i wanted to meetup. Left my home at 6am and cabbed to Gallery hotel, nearby dbl o. Called Eunice and Elva and asked them to come too.
09th- when Lex opened the hotel room door, i got a big shock. So many people squeezed into a room, Ard 10ppl ? Chinese,Malay,indian and a thai guy. Im like the only girl. The hotel room is really nice and cosy. Its actually something like two rooms seperated by a short passageway. The people behind were dancing with lightsticks and it was all really nice la. Its like going back to the time where there was still Sparks. In like less than 5mins almost everyone became my friend. Maybe because i kept walking around or giving comments ? i really cant remember. They are the type of what people call "angmopai" I just wanted Eunice to come fast. Later she did (: They're all nice people, joking around. I remember one guy's tattoo was like really nice and one guy's nose was really sharp. Haha. The thai guy kept talking rubbish, the malay guy taught me many new things. Learning all the wrong stuff. LOL. Another guy jerry said he wants to wait for the part of a song before he starts shuffling but i never saw it and the indian guy lost his watch. The rest i forgot, think they either sat in a corner or danced or rested ? Spent $100 there. Eunice also. Later i decided to call Lianlian to find out where she is , She's at Brightstar hotel with Abk and Xiangho.
-thou shall not sin-

At around, hmmm i think afternoon , we left gallery hotel for Brightstar hotel. At one part i did quarrel with Xiangho, i put a fifty dollar note on the table and said i dont wanna owe him anything but he tore it up and kpkb cos he said that i threw it on the floor and i'm showing him my attitude. He kept on shouting non stop, i left the room, while waiting for the lift, i could still hear him going on and on. LOL. Went to walk ard geylang , charged my phone, bought a top up card before returning. They took turns to leave to do stuff before coming back.
At night Eunice went home. Elva and Sandy called to ask to meetup at Cine for movie and later go club at Neverland. I really wanted to go but Lianlian and i just continued lazing at the hotel or start laughing non-stop. Anyway Neverland is a new disco at Orchard plaza. Formerly sparks, 97,Babyface and now neverland. Cant stop laughing, sounds so weird, like peterpan and tinkerbell and their neverland. Heard its really nice there, i wanna go! Anyway later xiangho and friend came back. We're fine already cos we did talk and we went down to buy food up. Lianlian and i cant stop laughing man , laughed at every damn thing or maybe Xh's actions are really too funny. Maybe we laughed too much, later he got angry and quarelled with Lianlian. Everyone became so quiet , with black expressions. Felt so awkward i wanted to go home but Xh and friend ended up leaving. You could say I paid another $80 to stop all their quarrels or whatever cos i felt that Xh was angry with me too but he says no and out of nowhere says abk owes him $100 and abk says he has no money. Everyone has gone bonkers, including me. Just to make everybody happy i paid thirty for the hotel extra charge for the friend as they claimed and passed abk hundred but later i took back fifty. Means total $80 excluding the fifty dollar note he tore up in the afternoon, i said can paste it back with scotchtape, he said he tore it up into four pieces. Total of $130 just thrown down the drain okay. Shit man.
Abk,Lianlian and i remained at the hotel till 12afternoon 10th before checking out then we cabbed to Lianlian's home to slack then i cabbed home in the evening. I was too tired to even think of working i fell asleep at 8pm. Less than 5mins , Xiangho called to ask about the money, he says Abk didnt transfer, I also dont know anything , its none of my business and i dont intend to take the money back. I think i was also not in the right state of mind as to be so kaypo and pay when i've to return my dad fifty too. Now i cant even return it to him. I really hate to borrow from my dad, swear to return it by night , disappear for three days, come home and still have nothing to return him. Its like fuckin irresponsible. I just wanna earn more right now =D Feels so good to be back home, i suddenly missed sleeping. HAHA. slept all the way till 8am 11th aug. I've got no voice again, asked mum to help me order Mac. Fillet o fish. My favourite. Hmmms there's something not quite right with my body , i really need to see a doctor soon. I doubt i'll be going to work tonight. How to work with no voice? totally no voice. Really cant talk at all not even if i try. Didnt work for the past three days. Im always so lazy and inconsistent or not feeling well. Shit man. Hope to earn more money & feel well all before school starts (:
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